2011 Portland Rockets Profiles: By Sam
Know your 2011 Portland Rockets players. Mostly made up of high school and college level players from all
over Indiana and Western Ohio.
To learn more about the Rockets Legacy please visit
these pages: A Diamond in the Rough,
Portland Rockets Alumni, Portland Rockets Official Website.
 #1 Mark Isenberg
Hometown: Alexandria
Work: works as a property inspector
Favorite MLB Team: Saint Louis Cardinals
Favorite Baseball Player: A. Pujols
The Dream: Coach, make a million dollars doing something.
"I love and respect the game of baseball. and I love people who do too."

#4 Zach Tumulty
Hometown: Daleville
College: University of Indianapolis
Major: Sports Marketing
Favorite MLB Team: Chicago Cubs
Favorite Baseball Player: D. Jeter
The Dream: Get a good sports marketing job with a major league organization or franchise.
When asked what it was like playing with the Rockets: "We play well together. We've got great
chemestry as a team. It is a lot of fun."

#7 Thomas McCowan
Hometown: Muncie
College Next Year: Tiffin, in OH
Major: Business Management
Favorite MLB Team: Cincinnati Reds
Favorite Baseball Player: J. Bench
The Dream: To play in the Pros. Would love to play for Cincinnati.

#8 Trevor Kill
Hometown: St. Marys, OH
College: S.E. Missouri State
Major: Psychology (Counseling)
Favorite MLB Team: Cincinnati Reds
Favorite Baseball Player: S. Rolen
The Dream: To be a high school principal and to coach baseball.

#9 Geoff Bowers
Hometown: Lima, OH
High School: Lima Central Catholic
Major: History, but aspiring to go to Law School
Doesn't have a favorite team or player. "I love the game of baseball. I just love it all the way
around, how can you chose."
The Dream: "Its always every boys dream to play baseball." After being asked what organization he'd
like to play for: "Don't matter. What it says on the shirt doesn't mean nothing, its just about
playing the game."

#12 Heath Williams (Captain, 7th year as a Rocket)
Hometown: Portland
College: Manchester (Grad. 08)
Major: Sports Management
Works: Works at family owned business "Williams Auto Parts"
Favorite MLB Team: Boston Red Sox
Favorite Baseball Player: D. Pedroia
The Dream: Taking the reins of the family business
When talking about the Rockets: "It's a respected organization. In the state, the midwest. Miller
is a great person. It's great for Portland, and great baseball."

#13 Chris Miller
Hometown: Topeka
College: Earlham
Major: Psychology
Favorite MLB Team: Chicago Cubs
Favorite Baseball Player: S. Castro
The Dream: To be a child psychologist

#14 Brad Kindred
Hometown: Noblesville
College: Concordia
Major: Physical Therapy
Favorite MLB Team: Chicago Cubs
Favorite Baseball Player: A. Pujols
The Dream: Going to Grad School

#18 Andre Duke
Hometown: Portland
School: Will be a senior at Jay County High School this fall.
Favorite MLB Team: Chicago Cubs
Favorite Baseball Player: Gibson
The Dream: To play pros.

#19 Blake Turner
Hometown: Selma
College: Ball State University
Major: History Education
Favorite MLB Team: NY Yankees
Favorite Baseball Player: D. Jeter
The Dream: To teach and coach baseball in hometown

#25 or #53 Dan Bollenbacher
Homtown: Berne
College: University of Northwestern Ohio (Lima, OH)
Major: Business (Accounting/Marketing)
Favorite MLB Team: Detroit Tigers
Favorite Baseball Player: J. Verlander
The Dream: Playing in the pros.

#26 Nate Clem
Hometown: Pendleton
College: Anderson
Major: Physical Therapy
Favorite MLB Team: Chicago Cubs
Favorite Baseball Player: D. Lee
The Dream: Playing in the pros. Would love to play for the Cubs or Boston Red Sox.

#27 Dalton Tinsley
Hometown: Kokomo
College: Univ. Southern Indiana
Major: Special Education
Favorite MLB Team: Chicago Cubs
Favorite Baseball Player: J. Hamilton
The Dream: Would like to be a high school special education teacher and coach

#28 Brad Benbow
Hometown: Eaton
College: Warner, in FL
Major: Physical Education
Favorite MLB Team: Saint Louis Cardinals
Favorite Baseball Player: C. Rasmus
The Dream: Keep playing baseball as long as I can. Then eventually coach and scout.
When asked what it was like playing for the Rockets: "It's a nice place to play. It's a little
laid back and we have fun. Plus its nice because I'm close to my hometown."

#30 Ben Smith
Hometown: Maria Stein
College Next Year: Indian River in FL
Major: Philosophy
Favorite MLB Team: Atlanta Braves
Favorite Baseball Player: C. Jones
The Dream: Marine Force Recon. "I've always wanted to go into the Military since I was

#31 Cody Campbell
Hometown: Cowan (Near Muncie)
College: Ball State University
Major: Business (Marketing)
Favorite MLB Team: Cincinnati Reds
The Dream: To play for the pros.

#34 Eric VanMatre
Hometown: Selma
College: Ball State (Grad. 09)
Major: Exercise Science
Favorite MLB Team: Boston Red Sox
Favorite Baseball Player: J. Beckett
The Dream: Give a shot playing for the minors or majors. And then be a strength and
conditioning coach.
Eric was a volunteer coach as Ball State last season.

#44 Tyler Holloway
Hometown: Pendleton
College: Anderson
Major: Physical Education
Favorite MLB Team: NY Yankees
Favorite D. Jeter
The Dream: coaching baseball
What got him to come and play for the Rockets: "I had a few friends that were playing here.
Said it was a lot of fun, and they needed some pitchers. So I came on over to play

Manager Randy Miller
There hasn't been a Rockets team, since 72', that didn't have the name Miller associated with
it. Started up by his dad, the late Ray Miller, Randy celebrates his 40th year in the Rockets
organization. Coach Miller has worn many hats as a Rocket: a player, a coach, speaker, field
crew, and a manager just to point out a few. But it wouldn't be the same without him.

Seth Rupe, Rockets Batboy
8th Grader at East Jay Middle School
Seth is the batboy for the Rockets at nearly every home game.
Favorite MLB Team: Cincinnati Reds
Favorite Baseball Player: J. Votto
Best thing about being the Rockets Batboy: Getting to talk to the players and
**Profiles incomplete. Profiles were done at a Rockets home game on 6/27/11 by WPGW's Sam Thomas. Not available
at the game: Cody Johnson, Donnie Kuzma, Craig Martin, Derek Mounsey, Tyler Painter, Tyler Reynolds, Chandler
Sidwell, Chris Tillery, Will Waters, Mike Werling, Devin Wilburn, and Asst. Coach Kevin McCowan.**