WPGW's Look into the Portland Rockets
A Diamond in the Rough
by Sam Thomas,
For years men from all over Indiana and Western Ohio have
benefited and lived the dream every little boy dreams of since their first visit for peanuts and
cracker jacks.The dream to play
baseball.To be the next Babe Ruth Slugger, the next
legend like Jackie Robinson, or to be inducted forever in
It may not be New York, or Boston.
There may not be thousands of fans, or million dollar
endorsement deals. But for 52
the Portland Rockets a semi-pro baseball team, made up of mostly older high school and younger
college boys, have been giving players an opportunity to grow as a player and as men, to get noticed, and for
some a last chance to play the great American pastime before hanging up the cleats for
The Rockets play good old fashion baseball. The kind that most major league players forgot how
to play a long time ago. The Rockets have great all around talent with strong fundamentals. With respect and a
love for the game.
“I love baseball, I’d love to keep playing as long as I can,” said Lima Ohio native and
Rocket’s catcher Geoff Bowers. “I
don’t care who I’d play for. What’s on the front of the shirt doesn’t mean anything. What matters is just getting the chance to play,
that’s important.”
The name may not be important as a player trying to get a
few more years in the sun, but to everyone else with the organization just the name “Portland
Rockets” bring history, respect, and community to a small town in East Central
Unlike some ball clubs in the league or even most traveling
teams the Rockets call Runkle-Miller Field home. Located
in Portland’s southwest side in what’s locally known as “Sportsland,”
Runkle-Miller Field named after the founders of Portland’s baseball legacy. There hasn’t been a team in Portland without the influence of either
The Rockets Franchise was founded in 1959 by Dick Runkle and is one of the oldest franchises
in amateur baseball. Ray Miller took over the team in 1972, when his
son and current Rockets’ Manager Randy started playing. The team had
some financial troubles and was running into a losing season when Ray Miller took the reins of the
team. Ray turned the team around, and not only brought winning records
but championships that started getting the Rockets noticed. Ray not
only coached and managed the team but also promoted the team in his own way. The “Rocket Report” which is still being aired on WPGW Radio giving reports on the Rockets’
success during the season.
Ray passed away in 2007, not only leaving his legacy in the hands of his son Randy but left a
philosophy of being players and men. Ray made it possible to bring and
keep amateur baseball alive and brought baseball to Portland that the community could rally
behind. Out on the outfield fence there hangs a banner for Ray who not
only brought a community together to his “diamond” in the rough but molded boys like clay into good
men. On the banner is Ray’s iconic phrase that any good Rockets’ fan
know; “It’s a beautiful day in Portland.” Also on the banner is Ray’s
number retired away in remembrance of everything he gave to his family, his team, and his
“He made it possible. The man gave so much in both the game and in
life. He spent coaching 10 years on one leg. But it was his passion,”
said Randy Miller when asked about his dad. “I have angels of mercy on my
Randy Miller has been the Manager for the Rockets now since 2004, but hasn’t been a stranger
to the organization. Randy is spending his
40th season in the
sun wearing a Rockets’ uniform. Randy got his start with the
Rockets as a player in 1972, and eventually went up the ranks to coach and to manager.
When asked what it is like coaching a semi-pro baseball team, Randy says it’s a full time
“You don’t just manage. There are many more parts to
a manager than just coaching players. There are games, and travel,
group speaking, grounds to maintain. Sometimes it feels like a 10 week

This season Randy has 30 players from all over Indiana and Western Ohio playing for
him. For Randy it’s like being a dad. Making sure his players are taken care of, they have their equipment, making sure they have
travel arrangements for away games. But it’s worth it to
Randy. Being a part of something great. Being a part of his players lives. Getting them
scholarships, molding minds of players like his dad, and helping some to make it
“You get to be a key part of life. I can’t tell you
how many weddings I’ve been to,” said Coach Miller. “There is even a young kid, named after my
Though Randy is the Manager of the Rockets, he can’t do it alone. This season his assistant coach Kevin McCowan has really picked up the slack and has been a
real help. But it’s not just the coaching staff that Randy gives credit to. Though the players clean up and take care of their field before and after each game, the Parks
Department get much of the credit for all the maintenance it gives to the field to allow the Rockets to play
there. Also the support and aid from the Williams family who not only
give time and support to the team and sponsorship for the Rockets Report on WPGW, but has given a leader and
captain in Heath Williams who is spending his 7th season as a Rockets
Randy also attributes much of the help with his brother Brad Miller and sister Mickey
Pensinger who help him greatly and together strength their family’s legacy.
To Randy the Rockets are a big thing
in a small town. And it does matter because without the community, without sponsorship of local business the
Rockets wouldn’t be here. Randy has dreams much like that of the movie “Field of Dreams.” In the movie James
Earl Jones says, “
People will come Ray. The one constant through all the years,
Ray, has been baseball. America has rolled by like an army of steamrollers. It has been erased like a blackboard,
rebuilt and erased again. But baseball has marked the time. This field, this game: it's a part of our past, Ray. It
reminds of us of all that once was good and it could be again. Oh... people will come Ray. People will most
definitely come.”
And like the movie the game is a part of Portland’s past but
also its present and future as well. Coach Miller dreams big for the
future, dreams of a big score board and bigger and
better bleachers, with the name Portland splattered everywhere because its Portland’s team with Portland