Jay County Heroes, Veteran's Day November
11th 2010

We at WPGW would like to
recognize our Jay County Heroes. These Heroes gave their lives to serve and protect our country during times
of war and conflict. These names will be presented in a special ceremony at Freedom Park in Portland on
Veteran's Day Novemeber 11th at 10 a.m.
World War
World War II
World War II
Guy Ayers
William E. Hildreth
Victor W. Wise
Fred Barr
Glenn Hummer Jr.
George A. Yeager
Ralph Burgess
Dorwain G. Hunt
Lowell Butcher
Harold E. Imel
Claude Flahie
Lee B. Jones
Fred A. Brenner
Merrel Ford
Charles R. Jones
Stanley L. Calhoun Jr.
James Garringer
Dorwin M. Keller
John S. Fields
Harry Gray
Otis Kelley
Henry A. Franks
Roy L. Gray
Lewis C. Landauer
H. Bishop Hamilton
Arthur Hunt
Leo W. Landess
Fredrick W. Hanlin
John Layman
Milo Ludy
Cassius E. Johnson
Albert Lindlay
Wayne Matchett
Orval D. Johnston
Noah Renner
Paul E. May
Dorwin J. Jones
Otis Thompson
Cedric McCanless
Elvin M. Lee
Russel Tucker
Robert McFadden
Albert F. Martin
David Whipple
Charles R. McLaughlin
Carl E. Martin
Ralph V. Williamson
Ernest O. Minch
Robert D. Pontius
Max Myers
Harvey E. Steveson
World War II
George Neil
Kenneth R. Beason
Donald L. Nelson
Farrell T. Blankenbaker
Fred Newton Jr.
Larry W. Barrett
Walter Bond Jr.
Ralph W. Nichols
Larry L. Boice
Darious Borton
Chauncey M. Nixon
John A. Bryan
James W. Bradley
Ernest Norris
Larry G. Burkholder
Amos V. Brosher
Robert C. Norton
George K. Farris
Clyde P. Brunson
Hubert Priest
Manuel S. Flores
Melville Bryan
Henry Ramsey
Rowland E. Gibson
Arthur M. Bryan
Adolph L. Rigby
Alva D. Henthorn
Herbert Bubp
Virgil Robinette
Rick E. McFarland
John W. Carder
Daniel Runyon
Olen B. McLaughlin
Jacob C. Clough
Melvin Shauver Jr.
Dennis E. Morgan
William Curts
William F. Shepherd
John C. Thomas
Herbert Dailey
Lyle P. Shifflet
Jeff H. Upp
John Denton
Charles Slack Jr.
Donald L. Valentine
Chester Derringer
Donald Smiley
Richard Farber
Loren E. Smith
Harden Farling
Wallace Smith
Andrew Whitacre
Gerald W. Foltz
Louis A. Sommers
Orville Franks
Edwin E. Stanton
Robert H. Frederick
Ora E. Strait
John Frost
Robert Swank
John W. Gardner
John D. Teeters
James Garringer
George F. Theurer
Frank Gaunt
William A. Trumbo
Everett Glendenning
Paul A. Walmer
Lowell Golder
John F.H. Weaver
Richard Grafmiller
Lewis O. Whipple
Raymond O. Haines
Roy L. Whiteman
Robert C. Hare
Harry L. Whitesall
Henry C. Hatch Jr.
William E. Williams
Charles L. Hathaway
We salute all our soldiers in uniform who
have sacrificed so much for so little. Thank you for everything you've done for your families, your hometowns,
and your country. Listen to the WPGW Breakfast Club on Veteran's Day
November 11th for a very special broadcast as we recognize our veterans here in Jay County with a special show
just for them. A big thanks to the folks at Ponderosa Steakhouse for allowing us to invite our Jay County
Veterans for breakfast, and helping us give something back to the men and women who have served to keep America

    Graphics from www.wikipedia.com. Click on the graphics to see
official sites of these branches.
about branches of our United States Military
States Army
States Navy
States Marine Corps
States Air Force
Date Established:
14, 1775
13, 1775
10, 1775
18, 1947
was the date the Air Force became its own entity, there were aeronautical divisions of the Army
prior to 1947, during WWI and WWII.*
with the type of uniform.
Army Green
Dress: Blue
and Gold
and Gold
Blue & Yellow
we'll defend"
sibi sed patriae”
self but country)
isn’t technically an official motto for the U.S. Navy. However, this is an unofficial motto according to the Naval
Historical Center.*
“Semper Fidelis”
(Always Faithful. Also known as
Semper Fi.)
*This is the new motto
adopted by the Air Force in Oct. 2010.*
“The Army Goes Rolling
“The U.S. Air

Rare Facts and Events of the U.S.
Military Provided by Roy Leverich of Portland, U.S. Navy
At one time, every boy
scout was required to know Morse Code; a series of dots and dashes for letters and
numbers. (Don’t confuse this with Datsun dashes. We’re not running
quick errands here in a small car.) And until 1992 all new ham radio
operators were required by the FCC (Federal Communications Commission) to know Morse
Code. Certain Navy & Coast Guard communications technicians must
remain proficient for ship-to-ship blinker light transmissions. In
1990, over 10,000 code messages were sent/received by the U.S. Coast Guard station at Chesapeake,
Virginia. This fell to only two in the Coast Guard Morse Code message
from a Comm. Station in Guam, thus ending this nation’s transmitting or receiving of high seas distress signals
in code. At $30,000 per vessel, all U.S. flagged passenger ships and
any freighter over 300 tons are now required to have automated distress capabilities linked to a satellite
system monitored by the Coast Guard in (of all places) Martinsburg, West Virginia.
largest U.S. navel ammunition depot in the U.S., covering 110 square miles and containing an incredible 1,600
storage bunkers for live ammo, is located 35 miles southwest of Bloomington,
Indiana. It’s also the only national site for extracting deadly
white phosphorous from old munitions, which is then converted into phosphoric
As of
December 2008, six states have naval militias; Alaska, California, New Jersey, New York, Ohio,
Texas. All, except Ohio, maintain small armed
vessels. New York has the most members at 6,500 and Ohio, with a rear
admiral in charge, the least at 30. Also, the Ohio Naval Militia is
the only one that can not be called into federal service. All six
states continue to have minor jurisdiction and authority conflicts with the U.S. Coast
In regards, to the
Secretary of the Navy, a fast food chain (Burger King) has been
promoting a “cup of Joe” in it’s restaurants. Josephus Daniels,
Secretary of the Navy from 1913 to 1921, established General Oder 99 on June 1st, 1914 banning all alcoholic beverages aboard
ship; replacing it with coffee. A near mutiny insued as the sailors,
in a negative salute, would have a “cup of joe” (I doubt if the Burger Kind headquarters or the general public
are aware of this Navy connection.)
Nor is the public aware the
second largest U.S. Naval base during the Civil War (1861-1865) was located at Cairo
Illinois. And be informed, Civil War General Ambrose E. Burnsides,
born south of Richmond in Liberty, Indiana was known for the bushy hair in front of his
ears. We reversed his name and now sideburns are part of the English
For those who are not scholars of military history and prefer total
escape that may prove difficult. Indiana is laced with constant reminders. Of our 92 counties, at least 34
have namesakes of past warriors: 14 generals, 6 colonels, 8 captains, 2 commodores, 2 majors, and 2
